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Old 12 July 2014, 22:41   #9
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The round hole ones (turned key) are much better than the cheap spring type sockets.
All my Kipper2k expansions use turned key sockets both as the socket, the offset pins and the risers.

The only issue I know with those sockets is that they do not work with expansions using wire wrap pins as the wire wrap pins will not fit into the turned key sockets. I do not know what kind of pins you find on a FastATA.

Not all combinations go well together though:
IC pins into turned key socket -> ok.
IC pins into spring socket -> ok.
Turned key pin into spring socket -> ok.
Turned key pin into turned key socket -> ok.
Spring pin into turned key socket -> not ok.
Spring pin into spring socket -> usually works, but not tight.
Wire wrap pin into turned key socket -> not ok.
Wire wrap pin into spring socket -> not optimal (can ruin the socket) but can work.

Another issue can be that the pins on a turned key socket are very brittle and cannot be bent much before they break. But if they are soldered into a PCB, then that is obviously not an issue.

Edit: And yes, you need sockets with 2.54mm pitch.
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