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Old 30 December 2015, 19:16   #17
Shatterhand's Avatar
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The work to port this for Amiga would be huge.

I honestly think if you drop the parallax scroll, use a 16 colors screen, and do a few other adjustments (Example ,use the extra 32 high pixels for a status bar at the top showing energy/ammo/lives etc so you don't need to have anything on top of the screen, make some explosions simpler, etc), I think it could de done on Amiga. The SNES game doesn't push a lot of stuff moving on screen at the same time, and it slowdowns in a lot of places. You'd probably need mid-level loading, but even that its ok, since most levels (from what I recall) have perfect places to do that. Also remember if you have less colors, sprites (Bobs, whatever) and tiles should take less space on ram. You can always do some adjustments, reuse tiles in a different way from the original game while keeping the original level layout, for example.

But like I said, huge job. I don't see it happening through voluntary work

Now, why 12 disks? The SNES game fits on a 1.5 Megabyte rom. The PC version (which runs on a 486-33mhz and requires 4mb ram) occupies less than 5 mb of HD. The game should fit on 4-5 disks, maybe even less.
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