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Old 21 September 2017, 00:41   #29
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Posts: 178
Well that was unexpected.

For some reason the test code I have posted is not crashing with the printfs removed from the write_win function - I tried with Printfs and it still crashed. I'm baffled as to why but will back copy this code into the original and see what happens.

I am getting a glitch however.

Sometimes if you resize the window and it is updating the text will either overwrite the border, or not update in the whole window - there will be blank rectangles.

I'm guessing this is an update/region issue but not knowing enough about these I'm struggling to locate the problem.

I thought I could prevent the window from being resized during an update by setting mywindow->MaxHeight to the current height and mywindow->MaxWidth to the current width, however this is not working.

Is there any way of temporarily freezing a window's size once it has been opened?
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