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Old 11 July 2019, 19:32   #93
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What effect do you think it would have on speed vs memory to have the sprites stored split into pieces as they were on the original?
If the sprites are split like that, then they take less Chip ram, but drawing speed is somewhat slower.

The amount of memory saved by this would vary depending on the character, but I would estimate around 20 % memory save, maybe slightly more in some cases.

And the speed loss would be maybe 5 % to 10 %, depending on how the splits are done, and how many pieces there are. But having just 2 big pieces like the US Gold SF2 has would still be fast.

And sometimes the splitting can actually speed things up. For example look at the Balrog "super punch" frame: it would be a huge blit if drawn as a whole, but when split the overall bob size is a lot smaller, saving both memory and making it faster to draw.

looking at these sprites it doesn't look like combining different combinations of Tops and Legs
creates more frames does it? and I thought this was the point to slice up the graphics
It can be hard to notice, but they do create more frames.

For example look at the E.Honda sprite sheet: he has many different punch animations, many of which use the same leg parts.

Also some of these splits simply make big frames smaller: for example hands, feet or heads are "cut" from the main image to make the frame smaller, or torsos are separated from the bigger leg parts.
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