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Old 03 October 2005, 22:47   #1
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I have to ask something interesting

Having viewed many of the demos on bippym's Amiga Flashback DVD (of which I must say cheers to bippy for selling me a copy! ) I have started to wonder something important and intriguing.

Why did games developers never really take full advantage of the A500's REAL capabilities? I mean to be truly wowed by some of the special effects you witness, and then become totally shellshocked as you realize this was all made possible on the same sort of basic machine I used to possess and therefore isn't some kind of AGA-exclusive trick, it beggars belief that many game-related teams chose instead to toss shovelware upon shovelware onto our innocent heads and generally make the Amiga overall look like a really crap machine compared to the 16-bit consoles and the PC's eventual improvements to gaming in the early 90's with the psuedo-3D material etc. =( Sure, you got many great and memorable Ami games, but how many of them used similar effects to what you usually expect in group demos?

Or did many demos, I start to suspect, use all kinds of hacks and compression techniques to get the results they want?
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