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Old 02 October 2007, 13:29   #46
Old Fart New WinUAE user
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: San Sebastian, Spain
Age: 58
Posts: 176
Finally gotten around to posting summat on this one!

For me it brings back great memories of "youth". Lonnnng nights with mates playing Sensi Soccer, Skidmarks etc.

Med and Octamed. Drove my last wife nuts composing tunes that were quite shite but I thought they sounded good. (incidentally, now got a good grip on it thru WinUAE and write simple blues/rock backing tracks to play my guitar along to....who said the Amiga is dead?)

An OS that was embraced by people and actually had some decents updates and mods written BY the people FOR the people, and more than anything doing it for the love of the machine (not always free but some well worth paying for.

As mentioned before, the Amiga Community in general. You just don't get that same feeling from Windoze......don't ask me why but it ain't the same spirit (how many times have you got talking with mates/colleagues etc and found out that they had an Amiga and have nothing but good memories?)

I've even got my current wife hooked on playing simple stuff like Artkanoid and Mahjong tiles!

All in all a computer that shouldn't have died when it did and how it did.....just thank god for communities like this that keep it alive!

Big thumbs up fellas!

(NB as an afterthought, abd maybe this should be the subject of a new thread, do you folks think that Workbench could have gone the same way as Windoze if Commodore had kept afloat.....i.e. overinflated with insecure tat and overpriced upgrades just to generate more $$?)
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