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Old 15 February 2013, 17:13   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 475
So, I Wanna Make A New 68k Amiga Game,... Again

Ive decided 2013 is going to be the year I actually finish some sort of game project
Ive started a shedload of bits and pieces, but after a while my attention starts to drift. Time as they say however stops for no-one, so I need to get off my butt and get this short attention span monkey off my back

Okay, then,....

Motivation and enthusiasm,.............. check.

When it comes to ideas however I end up with something akin to writers block. A hundred and one thoughts, but no coherent ideas.
I do like the idea of a remake of maybe an old c64 "classic" thats either not on the Amiga, or has a bad amiga version. Maybe Dan Dare 1 (I was wowed by this back in the day on c64 ), Parallax, iO, Target Renegade, or a bunch of others.
I also however like the idea of making some sort of "lite" rts/c&c style game, soley cos there's not a great deal of them on the amiga, and they could be fun for me to play even if I made it.
However I also like the idea of an overhead jrpg style game, also because theres so few of them, and like the a "lite" rts game the fact there's not a lot of quick moving gfx matches my moderate coding skills
An AGA Dragons Lair remake also kinda appeals to me, and besides a bit of video conversion would be pretty darn simple to make (redistributing it though is obviously tricky)

Anyway, as you see lots of ideas, but nothing that feels solid to me. Perhaps a side effect of having overthought it for too long

Now that Ive got that out of the way I'l get to the crux of the thread.

Basically Im wanting to both:

a). get some ideas as to what people would like to see on the amiga. Now obviously thigs like near perfect street fighter 2 port would be great to have, but as Ive found out a few times, just too much work for one person. Personally I like the idea of something that can have nice graphics, without being too graphics intensive.

b). find people to help with whatever they can help with. Graphics and sound are pretty time consuming, so whatever help I can get there would be great.

Now without even having these things sorted there's also the question of what to target. My personal interest is in my a1200, but if Im going to put the effort in to make a (hopefully) decent game, then having a broader audience is also appealing. So while I'll still target my a1200 making it system friendly also allows for mos and os4x users to play if they choose to.

So if anyone has any ideas to any of the above I'd be interested to hear them. Im eager as mustard, just trying to shake these few "shackles"

Last edited by fishyfish; 15 February 2013 at 17:42.
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