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Old 26 August 2002, 14:56   #20
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Re: My Amiga story..

Originally posted by Tim Janssen
Then I started to play with the Workbench SPEAK-program which spoke out the text I typed in. I was amazed...
Oh yes - Speak !

I too was amazed by that.

Images of WarGames sprang to mind....I was Matthew Broderick....until my father denied me a modem :-(

On the same note there was a rather amusing program called NIALL (Non Intelligent Amos Language Learner) on a Amiga format coverdisk.

It had rather crappy AI, but you could talk to it (by typing obviously) and eventually it would end up putting funny sentances together. Feed it with plenty of friends names, locations and swear words and you could have hours of fun ! I must write a PC version ready for the next time I have a drinking session at my house !
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