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Old 23 January 2010, 14:08   #55
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Posts: 49
Using WinUAE Beta 2.02 has solved a big big problem I had with most other WinUAE
that I tested, which was that I couldn't hear the cd audio of James Pond 2 (I had a thread about it).

I'm just here to mention a thing that you probably all know, but when the cd audio tracks of a current level ends, WinUAE lags for a few seconds (sometimes up to 30) before starting to play the cd audio track again from the beginning. By "lag" I mean that even the animation seems to freeze, advancing frame by frame, and then wooplah!: the audio starts and all goes well. It's like it doesn't loop well the cd audio.

I hope this is not a difficult problem, because otherwise everything runs perfect.
I don't recall any lag once I start a new level.

The Savestates folder is the default, and it should be "Saves States", as it was in
the past (so it's easier to transfer files).

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