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Old 08 December 2017, 09:31   #13
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Originally Posted by AC/DC HACKER! View Post
I understand symbolism very, very well. It is possible that they don't mean it in the same way as most Church people do. If that's the case, then I respect that. But with it being part of the Alien you can understand why that might be seen that way.

As for the script executing the fade, I understand the aim. I was attempt to help Honx understand why. Smiling. He seems to perhaps lack some Amiga understanding beyond some basic. When using a Picasso 4, the Fade In and Out does not really have any effect...other than a slight video "blink". So, after Fadeout, I see the WB again exactly as it should be. The next next part of the demo is loaded, once it's set..the Picasso 4 displays the Native Amiga screen, once that part is done..the Picasso Workbench screen is displayed until the next part of the demo is run...and so on. Not a big deal unless you want to be a purist..and see constant black between the files. Which is why PoppopCop suggested running it without a Startup and running Setpatch first. I understand what you're meaning, Stingray. :-)

I shall (smile), because when it comes to the Pentacle and Pentagram...they're often made (incorrectly) synonymous and they should never be that way.
The pentacle has been the Scoopex logo since the start, long before the Alien demo. Go watch Mental Hangover on youtube which dates back to 1989.

Its not meant to represent anything other than Scoopex, and looks pretty great as a vector object.
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