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Old 13 November 2018, 03:56   #43
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Join Date: Aug 2018
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Posts: 49
Everyone has made valid points.

I have been convinced that 3.x will not get a native web browser.
  1. The Amiga (even with the fastest accelerator) is too slow
  2. The 3.x OS is limited by memory and architecture
  3. A web browser is too much for a single programmer to handle
  4. There isn't enough interest or resources in the talent pool to develop a highly compatible browser
  5. The community would not finance such a project because it's a lost cause

Although it casts the amiga community in a rather uninspiring light, it pales in comparison to the fact that the same community have kept an obsoleted computer alive for 2 decades.

But there is still hope, as every true amiga enthusiast must have that spark in his nature.

I threw an idea out in an earlier post and the same solution has been mentioned in one flavor or another by others and it fits the spirit of the amiga community.

It is simply to offload the task to a device that has the resources.

And it's very Amiga.
  1. It is pragmatic. "Mikey will eat it, he eats anything." Let a black box do the heavy lifting whilst I save some lemmings.
  2. It's tech based. Nothing gets an amiga guy going more than a whisper of CPU cycles, MFLOPS and bitplanes. And Magic Workbench.
  3. It's clever. A cool application of tech, maximum return with minimal effort. Borderline lazy. That's really being amiga.
  4. It's affordable. Cuz amiga enthusiasts are cheap asses. Certainly more cost effective than a Warp4040 card from the previous century.

There will have to be some pretty trick programming to make the experience seem more than a webcam pointed at some remote computer's browser, but amiga programmers are very good at banging on hardware and making things work that theoretically should not. I'm sure the demo scene has given them some unorthodox tools.

And I say all this with a bit of confidence because earlier today I stumbled on a page describing the very hardware required for the solution. Like, to a T.

Of course, the link is on another computer, but I nearly $h37 a brick as I read the spec list. Maybe someone here has seen it as well.

Last edited by nolunchman; 13 November 2018 at 04:04.
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