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Old 09 September 2002, 09:51   #8
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There is *some* truth in this story, and it's ridiculous all right,
but most of the articles on the internet are oversimplifying & overreacting.
Just look at this phrase I read: "Thousands of
tourists in Greece are unknowingly facing heavy fines or long terms in
prison for owning mobile phones or portable video games". Greece is
currently #2 in Europe in mobile phone connections. We don't have
enough jails to fit 90% of the population in!
Here's the story: A few months ago, the Greek goverment launched an
attack against stores that had illegal slot machines and gained tax
free fortunes thanks to them. These machines are very difficult to
trace, as they can be switched from entertaining (no money needed to
play) to gambling with the press of a button from a remote control. So
they decided to vote for a law that prohibited all game machines of
any kind. The way the law is written, it affects everything from
arcade rooms to internet cafes (as people play online games in them).
It has definetely nothing to do with gameboys, mobile phones or the
games you have in your house.
I read the law and it looks like it was written by a 12 year old. Many
have protested so far, and I'm sure logic will prevail eventually and
they will amend some of the articles.
The government is already beginning to realize the ridicule of the situation,
the minister of finance made it clear that this law is about games that involve MONEY.
At first I was worried as I'm hosting a Kick Off 2 World Cup in
November, with 32 people from 8 countries, but my lawyer said there
was nothing to worry about.
I hope that clears this up.
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