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Old 22 February 2020, 21:08   #14
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Thanks a lot guys.

I'll repeat, I have bellow amateur drawing skills, but I do it for fun.
Back in the day, when I had Amiga, I was trying so hard, but couldn't make it anywhere to look fairly descent, because there was no youtube, and I was stupid enough not to think to go to some drawing school and learn some rules from teacher. Also, I had that stupid attitude that I thought that people are just born with drawing skills (and I considered myself skipped from that talent ), but in truth, anyone can learn to draw, it's just a lot of practice.

I have no intention in becoming professional drawing artist, and if I wanted, I'd definitely start practicing in smarter way (instead of doing 90% of the work from my head, I should first focus on replicating real images, which would be much better practice, and I would learn faster).
But I do this for fun only... and even by that.. and watching some youtube tutorials, I think there's some progress over past few years.
(I draw something...every 7-8 days... or even much longer.. so... few years are really not much practice).

Thank you so much, and I agree 100% with you.

Keep in mind when I started my "retro carrier" few years a go, I had no idea what hardware limitations of Amiga is... so I just took in Winuae something that is closest to Photoshop (and that was AGA Ham ), and the first two images are done in Aga Ham.
Later, I started reducing res, and colors. I skipped Ham completely, and started doing in 32 colors (like my Amiga 500). Then I started doing 16 colors... but last few images (and the one I'll post now), have approximately 6 to 10 colors...
It's one more reason why I like A500 even more.
I think 16 colors are enough for some amazing images, that could be used in the games, and for even more impressive (intro) background 32 is huuh.. awesome... that all.. of course, because of the fact we can pick any color from mighty 4096 palette.

Here's one wip:
Usual stuff I do... next will be something pretty different.
This one I tried to be more careful, and not to throw lines just about everywhere, but I used zoom, and carefully draw some outlines.

Now.. I am unsure where I go from here.
I can basically add details everywhere, but I don't think it will be smart (sometimes "less is more")...
Any advice is appreciated.

Sorry for long post.. cheers to all
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