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Old 19 November 2017, 00:10   #91
Knight Of The Kingdom
OmegaMax's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: It's a bald world!
Posts: 179
Keep building off the existing examples

; Draw Multiple Rows Of 2 BitPlanes Tiles To Screen

  section Tutorial,code_c
  move.l 4,a6                       ;Get base of exec lib
  lea gfxlib(pc),a1                 ;Address of gfxlib string to a1
  jsr OpenLib(a6)                   ;Call OpenLibrary()
  move.l d0,gfxbase                 ;Save base of graphics library
  lea BitPlanePointers,a0              
;Insert bitplane addresses into bitplane pointers into 'copperlist'
  move.l #BitPlane1,d0
  move.l #BitPlane2,d1 
  move.w d0,6(a0)
  swap d0                   
  move.w d0,2(a0)
  move.w d1,14(a0)
  swap d1                   
  move.w d1,10(a0)
  move.l #BitPlane1,a0
  move.l #BitPlane2,a1
  move.l #Tile1BitPlane1,a2
  move.l #Tile1BitPlane2,a3
  move.l #15,d0                      ;Tile Lenght
  move.l #19,d1                      ;Tiles Drawn Count 
  move.l #12,d2                      ;Rows Counter
  move.w (a2)+,(a0)
  move.w (a3)+,(a1)
  add.l #40,a0
  add.l #40,a1
  dbra d0,DrawLoop
  sub.l #638,a0
  sub.l #638,a1
  move.l #Tile1BitPlane1,a2
  move.l #Tile1BitPlane2,a3
  move.l #15,d0                      ;Tile Lenght
  dbra d1,DrawLoop
  add.l #640,a0
  add.l #640,a1
  move.l #19,d1                      ;Tiles Drawn Count 
  dbra d2,DrawLoop
  move.l #CopperList,$dff080 
  btst #6,$bfe001                    ;Left mouse clicked?
  bne mouse                          ;No,continue loop until mouse pressed
  move.l gfxbase(pc),a1              ;Base of graphics.library to a1
  move.l 38(a1),$dff080              ;Restore old copperlist
  jsr -414(a6)                       ;Call CloseLibrary()
  moveq #0,d0   

  dc.w $008e,$2c81,$0090,$3fc1    ; Setting up display,
  dc.w $0092,$0038,$0094,$00d0    ; modulo and so on 
  dc.w $0102,$0000,$0104,$0000    ;Sprite Priority"No Sprites"
  dc.w $0106,$0000,$0108,$0000    
  dc.w $010a,$0000
  dc.w $0120,NullSprite,$0122,NullSprite    
  dc.w $0124,NullSprite,$0126,NullSprite
  dc.w $0128,NullSprite,$012a,NullSprite
  dc.w $012c,NullSprite,$012e,NullSprite
  dc.w $0130,NullSprite,$0132,NullSprite
  dc.w $0134,NullSprite,$0136,NullSprite
  dc.w $0138,NullSprite,$013a,NullSprite
  dc.w $013c,NullSprite,$013e,NullSprite
; Setting up the colors
  dc.w BitPlaneColor0,$0000,BitPlaneColor1,$0f00
  dc.w BitPlaneColor2,$0a0f,BitPlaneColor3,$000f
  dc.w $0100,$2200                           ;2 Bitplanes,Color Burst
  dc.w $00e0,$0000,$00e2,$0000               ;BitPlanePointer1
  dc.w $00e4,$0000,$00e6,$0000               ;BitPlanePointer2             
  dc.w $ffff,$fffe
  dc.w %1111111111111111 
  dc.w %1000000000000001
  dc.w %1011111111111101
  dc.w %1010000000000101
  dc.w %1010000000000101
  dc.w %1010000000000101
  dc.w %1010000110000101
  dc.w %1010000110000101
  dc.w %1010001111000101
  dc.w %1010001111000101
  dc.w %1010000000000101
  dc.w %1010000000000101
  dc.w %1010000000000101 
  dc.w %1011111111111101 
  dc.w %1000000000000001
  dc.w %1111111111111111
  dc.w %0000000000000000
  dc.w %0000000000000000
  dc.w %0011111111111100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100
  dc.w %0010000000000100 
  dc.w %0011111111111100 
  dc.w %0000000000000000
  dc.w %0000000000000000

BitPlaneColor0 equ $0180
BitPlaneColor1 equ $0182
BitPlaneColor2 equ $0184
BitPlaneColor3 equ $0186
NullSprite EQU $0000
OpenLib equ -408
gfxlib:   dc.b  "graphics.library",0,0
gfxbase:  dc.l  0  
  section blah,bss_c
BitPlane1: ds.b 320*256/8*1
BitPlane2: ds.b 320*256/8*1

Last edited by OmegaMax; 22 November 2017 at 00:19.
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