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Old 06 October 2007, 11:01   #1
Graham Humphrey
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Should games be banned in the Games League?

There's been a bit of a debate recently as to whether the banned games rule should stand. As you all know, I decided to do this because of the potential trouble with games that allow score-leeching very easily could cause.

As I've made clear in the past, I only do this to keep the competition fair and enjoyable for everyone - as was proved on Lemon Amiga's compo, it's far too easy for a few people to ruin it for everyone else in certain games, and there's another problem too - how, exactly, do you prove that someone has indeed been score-leeching? It might be easier to prove with some games more than others, but do you start disallowing scores because they're too high? Or do you just trust them? It's a difficult one.

Equally, I can see the other side of the argument too - you want to be able to choose any game you like, and you feel that you're trustworthy enough not to use these tactics, however tempting it may be.

But I've always thought it best to avoid any trouble at all, and indeed, in seven rounds I've not had a single complaint of anyone cheating and it's all been played in a great spirit. Just don't underestimate people's ability to use underhand tactics if they're staring them right in the face.

Interestingly, the whole subject has only come up last week - before that no-one even so much as mentioned it in passing (and the rule has been in place since June). So I've always assumed that everyone was, if not happy, then understanding of the situation. But if you weren't then surely something should have been said before?

No matter. Now's your chance to tell me what you think. Vote one of the options and give me a reason why you've gone for it (and don't say "because I like those games" as I don't consider that to be a valid reason).

I would like this vote to be restricted to people who take part in, or who are interested in, the Games League and I want EVERYONE who votes to give me their views. If you've never shown any interest in the competition at all, please don't vote so I can get a better idea of how everyone feels on this subject. Thank you.

Last edited by Graham Humphrey; 06 October 2007 at 12:49.
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