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Old 13 December 2007, 08:33   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Posts: 238
True that there'll always be confusion. The thing that I've learnt in my time as a developer is that user's are extremely stupid. No offence to anyone, but it's true.

In the case of WinUAE, users are extremely stupid because they believe that they have to set every single option in order to get the emulator started. They don't realize that Quickstart is the only required screen to look at.

A perfect example comes from my own experience with users. Recently, I told a group of friends about WinUAE. They went and got the necessities and I watched them set it up. Even though they were at the Quickstart screen by default, they still went through each of the other options and asked me what everything was. I assured them they don't need to stray away from the Quickstart screen, but they kept looking through. One of the fun parts of the experience was watching them add 100's of megabytes of RAM because they're used to the "more RAM = better machine" mentality. It's for reasons like this that I think hiding the options is a better system. Many programs opt for this method of hiding options and having an "Advanced" option for the same reason. Users are stupid. That's why the Amiga was so popular in the first place. Stupid user comes along and puts in their disk. Done! That's the most they have to do if they want to play a game. If they really want to do something else, they boot up Workbench. That's their "Advanced" option.

But ok. If you think it's unnecessary, that's fine.

EDIT: Beginners should use pre-configured front end. WinUAE is not a game front end.
Most beginners have no idea about pre-configured frontends for the Amiga. Hell, a lot of veterans have no idea either. We have GBAmiga, Lemonade and a new one recently released (whose name escapes me), but the reason their popularity isn't what it could be is because noone ever talks about them.

I realize this post is pretty much a slap in the face to new users, but I've seen every question on most Amiga forums for the last 10 years and the same questions come up all the time. It's extremely annoying. You'd think that when Quickstart was implemented, it'd stop the questions, but it hasn't.
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