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Old 02 December 2006, 22:08   #26
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up new drivers for Catweasel

Hi there,

one customer told me that there is "tons of people" on EAB who have problems with the Catweasel. After I told him to send these people to me, there was no reply, but it seems like the reputation of my controller is not the very best here.

Let me tell you that I need more feedback from you. I've had only one customer who was willing to work with me on the "write Amiga disk bug", and that's really problematic if I can't reproduce the fault on our test machines.

I have published a new driver now that should resolve all writing problems. We found that some PC disk drives cannot handle DD disks any more, and I also found a possibility to write DD disks with them anyway (cannot be verified properly, but they can mostly be read with a real Amiga).

It's important to use DD disks, or at least put a scotch tape over the HD-hole of an HD-disk. Make sure your disk drive is capable of accessing DD disks. There should be three switches behind the slot where you insert the disk: One for "disk present" (AKA disk_change), another for the write protect slider, and the third for the HD-hole. The latter changes the read-sensitivity of the electronics, and it also changes the write current, so the workaround for HD-only drives that the new driver contains is not a clean solution. Your best solution is to have a real dual-mode drive!

Please report back if the new driver solves your problems, or if you have problems that you feel should be addressed in the next release. Don't only post them in this forum, but also eMail them to me! Go to the web page and click on "eMail", that form goes directly past my spamfilter, so it cannot be lost.

If you only post in this forum, I will most probably miss it. Please don't expect me to read each and every forum on this planet to collect bugreports.

Jens Schönfeld
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