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Old 09 January 2003, 13:31   #7
Posts: n/a
I voted for "Moderate, I never got into anything but gaming, and I did a lot of that.". This is not strictly true since I was quite young (I'm only 16 now) and so had no need for anything else from the Amiga. I dabbled with AMOS and SEUCK but never managed anything particularily inspired, I never read the whole of the AMOS manuals and guides and the only game I wrote was Pong using pilfered code from a mag (Amiga Format?). With SEUCK I found it hard to draw decent characters and used to get bored after making one level .
I never drew art on my Amiga nor made any music, I couldn't understand the music maker programs and I never have been and still ain't any good at drawing with a mouse. So my Amigas were mainly used by me for games and the odd document for school, like a print from Grolier Encyclopedia.
Nowadays I've only got games for my Amiga, I have bought a copy of SEUCK but haven't the time to get into it. I think getting a Hard-Drive or a PC link for my Amiga would increase the amount I use it, but for now there ain't that much I can do on it.

Last edited by NytroX86; 08 February 2003 at 00:24.
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