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Old 15 January 2019, 14:56   #1
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noob question vampire extensions

Hi Guys,

Searching on this question on the net didn't provide me with practical answers. I was hoping someone on the amiga board could explain it to me.

My question, what is the practical use for a acceleration card on an amiga 500, that gives the machine 5 times it's processor speed and many times the original RAM? I see people are interested in these cards on the net, paying 200 or more. I would like to understand it.
Personally for me an Amiga is gaming nostalgica only. I can understand some people like to read there email on it or use the internet which would require more ram and speed, why not, but I don't think the amiga 500 has any ability to do that, since there is no pcmcia socket on it to add a network card.

Yes, you can run whdload with a bit of extra ram, if you accept amiga 500 architecture limitations for games. yes, you can have faster video for modern monitors. But is that a practical benefit it your depending on the same software that was developed for original amiga 500's ?
Amiga 500 is an OCS amiga as far as I know, not AGA. Which means, you can't run the later developed AGA games, no matter how much processor speed or memory you possibly add to it.

And there is the basic idea of my question today. Why would anyone buy a expensive modern acceleration card for amiga 500, if there is no software or practical use for it? why invest in lots of capacity if there is no software that uses it?

Surfing the net I read texts like" "The more the better" etc. on the subject.
What do people do then on amiga 500 to use 128 mb internal memory and a cpu with 5 * the original speed?
All respect for the developers of these cards taken in care.

Isn't a usb stick drive simulator the best expansion for a A500 if you accept OCS games only?

I don't get it.

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