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Old 17 March 2002, 21:25   #9
Commodore Collector
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Austria
Age: 53
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Yes, there have been several discussions about that topic.
Must have been already 2 years or so ago that I found out that the Company crack works. ( Thanks to a great guy from a.b.w.a who called himself 'Rocky' - remember him, Twisty ? )

Somebody once told me that the Skid Row version was given to them by a member of the programming team for free. But Skid Row didn't notice the bug that was built in ! So they released they released the game and their version got widely spread.
I think this may have been a good way to get people buying a game ! Because once you are into a game and have played some levels and enjoyed them then chances are higher you will buy this game if you know it is the only way to get a 100% version ( most people only knew the Skid Row crack - the Company crack is rather rare ! )

Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy:
Yes, Crack Inc. rings a bell. I will upload the Vison Factory version soon. ( gotta dig it out of all the mess I have in my collection )

Last Ninja Remix:
I think it was the Defjam/Angels version who had the problems.

Wonderdog: The Delight version

Cool Spot: Yes, Prodigy crack

I know my version of Twinworld worked beyond level 2.
But I just checked if it was the Quartex crack and it seems my disk has gone bad - Shit !!!
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