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Old 26 June 2019, 16:50   #5
Long time Amiga Owner
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Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
When you run code from within the Blitz IDE, it inherits the path of the compiler, not the source directory. With the old TED editor needs you to set the current directory using the load/save file requester by clicking the CD gadget. The newer SuperTED (which you should be using as the old one is really only for floppy-based systems and/or OS 1.3 systems) has a "Change Dir..." menu item for setting the working directory, and AmiBlitz3 uses the directory set for creating executables.

A buffer overflow error in the debugger for BBlit means you haven't allocated enough buffer space to store all the bitmap information you want to buffer. When you create the buffer object, one of the arguments is the number of bytes you want to allocate. This has to be big enough to store *all* the bitmap areas you're blitting. Another possibility is that you're not unbuffering the blits, so every time you loop around and blit again you're adding more to the buffer.

(Note the difference from a QBlit queue object, which needs the number of items to queue, not the number of bytes.)
Thank you. You're always so helpful

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