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Old 14 April 2012, 09:36   #15
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Tested on a slightly customized A1200 setting in Winuae.

Works pretty fine. Rank S on level 1 (not a first try ofc).
Level 2 is a bit difficult but I think I can manage to finish it after a bit of training. Level 3 I am not that sure if I can ever finish it.

Small suggestions would be some cosmectic stuff (not mandatory) like a thruster effect/trail and changing the music. The music played once the box is picked up was OK but I must say that the main music has something that makes it inappropriate for cave flying IMO. Perhaps because it has some high-pitched spikes?

Now for the main feedback:

- You can get out of the level boundary in the first level on the right side. If you fly far enough off-screen (I also flied up after that so not sure if it had an impact), something like 10 seconds, you can manage to get yourself stuck forever (you can still move the screen vertically). Perhaps I rotated without noticing it though.
You can do the same on level 2 (on the right of the location of the box), but somehow, I did not get stuck out forever.

-Not sure if you can do something about it, but sometimes you are stuck and yet it does not look so. For example in level 3:

Thrusting forward did not help while visually it should have.
Rotating a bit to the North allowed to get out of it.

- Is it normal to have to press the fire button to get the rank displayed? Once you finish the level, the first two parts (Elapsed... and Box...) get displayed automatically, but the rank only appears after you press the fire button. I don't see a reason why.

- Would be nice to have a life bar or counter for the box. Useful and also it could add tension when you have it almost destroyed, are near the goal and have a difficult obstacle to negotiate.

- "If the box gets stuck, detach from it!"
The suggestion will depend on how you consider the collision detection of the game. But if it is possible that it gets stuck indefinitely in a wall or an obstable, then a key to have it auto-destroy could be useful.

Perhaps in such a case it is supposed to receive damage while being stuck and therefore automatically destroy? I have not tested thoroughly. However, I tried to let it on the ground for a while and it did not get destroyed. Therefore in case it can get stuck in the ground that could be an issue.

- "Your ship is indestructible"
Pretty sure some people would be happy with a hardcore more where you have a life bar/counter. Perhaps some would even want a one hit point wonder (I know I would not):

- Implement a key to suicide/go back to the main menu.

- Since the levels are quite large, perhaps you could think of a second game mode that would include additional boxes. One of them (at random?) would be the correct one and the others being just fake, although you could only determine that after bringing it to the goal.

Or perhaps put some bonuses or whatever. Anything that could interest the players who like that to explore and make some trade-off between the time wasted and the benefits.
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