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Old 15 February 2018, 22:09   #79
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Utrecht, NL
Posts: 15
Hi, I've had an amiga for over 30 years, so I thought it's about time to write my first Arexx script... :-)

But seriously, I've dug out my Amiga again, and now I'm trying to write a little script for DirOpus (4) to replace an icon with another icon while preserving defaulttool and tooltypes (using rexxtricks.library functions). It's all working pretty well thanks to some hints in this thread. The only thing missing is that when I've deleted the destination icon, replaced it with the new icon and put back the properties, the destination window does not show the icon file until I manually refresh, ie. DirOpus does notice that I deleted a file (I do that with a diropus command) but doesn't notice I put it back (I call the CLI for that, because using the diropus copy command asks me if I want to replace, even though the file is already gone). A couple of questions:
- Is there a command to refresh the directory listing?
- Is there a way to let the copy command automatically overwrite?

Or maybe all of my questions could be answered by:
- Is there a list of commands, syntax and params for DirOpus Arexx commands?
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