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Old 01 April 2012, 22:15   #9
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Originally Posted by Leffmann View Post
I think you need to go over some BAsm's options. It's highly configurable, but of course it can't support every syntax notation there is. Not sure why it's running so slow for you, it's actually the fastest assembler I've seen, and for large files it will be orders of magnitude faster than others. It could be all the text output that causes AmigaOS to choke.
Absolutely. It's just putting out page after page of warnings at the moment, and they're all scrolling sedately by. If I output to file, which isn't ideal, but of course better than nothing.. it indeed assembles as fast as AsmPro/AsmOne.

I see in your other thread that you're trying to assemble and debug source code output by ReSource. I've used BAsm in the past to assemble several megabytes of code output directly by ReSource, without a single warning or error. Try setting New Syntax, Strict Mnemonics and Assembler: Assem in ReSource's options.
That's a great tip, thanks!

However, there are two problems I would like to solve.

Error 56: The argumentvalue is larger than the operand width.
bsr.b BlahFunc

And the warning which happens 3094 times. Being able to disable this in Barfly would be fine - but.. I don't see any command line options in the documentation which allow that sort of behaviour change.

Warning: Access to first 64k memoryarea.
pea $30

BDebug can debug any plain Amiga executable, so any assembler and linker should do, and if you leave all the symbols in you'll see them in the disassembly while you debug as well.
At this point after the hand replacement of .b branches, I have a compiled executable that works! Thanks :-) The version which comes out of AsmOne crashed, so this is an immediate step up. Looking forward to debugging it - and I'll add your notes on getting Barfly compatible code to the Resource page on my wiki. If you have any thoughts on the two remaining problems, they'd be appreciated.
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