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Old 14 September 2020, 21:14   #97
Knight Rider
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Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: Serbia
Posts: 12
Boot time to the kickstart screen is about 4 seconds, which is very good.
Of course, it also takes time to boot the Amiga OS from the sd card, which is an additional few seconds.
For now, MiSTer doesn't support FPUs, graphics cards, or CPUs 030, 040 or 060, so its not possible to run more demanding games and demos with decent speed.
To test compatibility, I recommend eg. the game Jim Power, which is truly a killer for emulators.
Overall, MiSTer is a good platform for the Amiga, although I think the price is too high for a fully equipped system.
A very good alternative is Pi 4, with Amiberry or Uae4arm emulator.
It performs really well, also supports hi-end Amiga models with higher speeds than the most powerful turbo cards.
The downside is of course the higher input lag, while the boot time can be reduced with customized packages like Amibian.
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