Thread: Electrek
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Old 28 June 2007, 12:27   #6
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Age: 56
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I don't really have the time right now to get into this too deeply I'm afraid, guys, I'm not really free during the week and this weekend I'm visiting friends, but ASAP I'll get a bit more serious about this and pull out that archived Amiga, try and find a monitor and leads for it, and assuming it still works see what I can find on the disks, promise!

Could be fun!

I've already informed the others involved too so if you're lucky one or more of them might get involved too with their archived material, if they have any, and surely at least one of us must have the completed Electrek game, and with extra extra luck, maybe a few other gems!

I do recall we did quite a few games, either original pieces or modernisations of older formats such as Archaos and Attack Of The Mutant Camels and such, if I have got that title right, though I'm not sure of the legality in the modern age of the permitted distribution of such things as they weren't our own concepts, but we cut our teeth as games programmers on the Amiga by doing 'remixes' of favourite old hits (C64 games mainly), but as I say, I have no clue how much, if any, of this stuff, I or my friends still possess nor how feasible it is to retrieve any of it, but I've sent out a few emails and texts now I know there's an audience for it and I'll let you know if anyone gets back to me, and at the very least I'll definitely dig out what I've got in my cellar, catalogue it, and let you know.

Once I've done all that, I'll get the FAQs read up and see what I can figure out I can do with any of it.

Cheers, and I'll keep looking in and keep you informed of any progress!
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