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Old 25 January 2019, 19:37   #91
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Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ USA
Posts: 85
First off, Vampire is NOT emulation. Period. Anyone who thinks it is doesn’t understand what FPGA is.

It also has nothing to do with UAE. UAE is fine and I’ve used it, but I also really want to use a real Amiga and to me the V4 is the next generation Amiga we never got.

As far as software - if they can get enough of them out in great enough numbers I could certainly see developer writing for the 080 cpu, AMMX and the enhanced graphics modes afforded by the V4. Yeah it’ll break backwards compatibility but some software would really take advantage of those features (like a web browser for instance).

I just got a V2 for an old A500 and it’s pretty awesome with core 2.11. It is still using all the chips on the board. When V3 core comes it’ll bypass them all and provide aga and RTG support to an A500! Yeah I can see where some people would find that offputting but for those with old OCS/ECS machines, it breathes new life and opportunities to those rigs.

If you would rather use UAE - fine by all means do so. But some of us would like actual hardware to run on dedicated for our Amiga-ing.

And yeah my hope is that the V4 is such a success that they can come out with an ASIC version at much higher clockspeeds down the line. But we will need the software to catch up with that to really make it worthwhile.

Also, yes they are very far behind their initial estimates, but all the recent videos of the V4 undergoing testing, as well as their end of the year status post really makes it sound like we are probably only a few months away now. Most stuff is working right now. Ethernet, ide, SAGA, basic USB mouse and keyboard support, etc. There’s a few more things they have to finish up but based on the progress they’ve posted I doubt it’s going to be super long.
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