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Old 20 August 2015, 12:16   #261
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Originally Posted by Mrs Beanbag View Post
i know what it stands for, but it means treating arrays as special rather than just a type. also you shouldn't have to fix the size at creation.
That's why I allow

DIM a()
Which creates a dynamic array - you can read and write to any index you like. Of course, you lose bounds checking on array writes, but them's the breaks.

Now i'm just confused. It's a serious fault in AMOS even though it's the same in pretty much every BASIC?
Well, you mentioned AMOS. It's a fault in any BASIC, from the perspective of making things easy for the beginner to grasp.

But this is precisely my point. Natural language is no good to computers. That's exactly what's wrong with BASIC. Learning how to use BASIC is not learning how to program. That's why people fail to progress, because it doesn't prepare anyone for the sort of super-pedantic logic that makes computers tick. Rather, it does the opposite, by pandering to fuzzy thinking.
No, it teaches code flow, comparisons and branching. That's what I've been saying for a while now - BASIC is for beginners. People who do not code. People who can code likely should be moving on from BASIC.

I'm not sure "Let A=(B=5)" makes any more sense, tbh.
Well, one of the symbols is "equal" and one is "equals". The first is part of an instruction, the other is a comparison. Agreed that it's not a nice expression and likely should be done some other way but that's not a fault of the language per se.

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