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Old 02 March 2003, 19:14   #19
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The game probably uses "offset scrolling", ie changing the screen offset according to vertical movement, and adding only a modified line until the whole screen is wrapped, where you can start again.
This way the whole screen would be moving (including the highscore table), so you'd have to redraw the complete scoreboard with every frame, and that takes considerable time. So it is much cleaner and a hell lot faster to have a sprite on the screen serving as the scoreboard if you really want to add to one screen side, not top or bottom of the screen, where you'd simply start a new screen via copper.
I used a very similar technique for the vertical bars in Abandoned Places' (first one) outer world, the two vertical bars are sprites there hiding the bitplanes (actually outer world map scrolled out)behind them, that saved from redrawing them every new frame.
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