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Old 03 September 2010, 22:07   #36
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sweden
Posts: 2,269
Here's an example. You can't assemble it in ASM-One directly but it's short enough to get the jist of:

                    include   customregisters.i
                    include   macros.i

                    section   code_p

Start               moveq     #-1, d0
                    moveq     #-1, d1
                    moveq     #0, d2
                    moveq     #2, d3
                    jsr       SetSystem
                    tst.b     d4
                    beq       .exit

                    bsr       MousepointerTest

                    jsr       RestoreSystem
.exit               moveq     #0, d0


MousepointerTest    lea       $dff000, a6
                    bsr       Setup

                    ; Read the initial counter values to prevent the pointer
                    ; from blinking around when we start

                    move.w    joy0dat(a6), Mousecounters

.mainloop           WaitFrame

                    bsr       GetMousepos
                    bsr       SetSpritepos

                    btst      #6, $bfe001
                    bne       .mainloop


; This routine keeps track of the mouse counter values and uses them to
; to calculate how much the pointer has moved each image frame.
; We think of the screen as 1280*1024 units in order to get some precision, and
; divide these coordinates by 4 to obtain the pointer's position in screen
; pixel coordinates

GetMousepos         ; Get the previous counter values and store the new ones

                    move.w    Mousecounters(pc), d2
                    move.w    joy0dat(a6), d1
                    move.w    d1, Mousecounters

                    ; Calculate X counter difference

                    move.b    d1, d0
                    sub.b     d2, d0
                    ext.w     d0

                    ; Calculate new X position and clamp against screen edges

                    add.w     .mousepos(pc), d0
                    bpl       .xok
                    moveq     #0, d0
.xok                cmp.w     #319*4 + 3, d0
                    bls       .calcy
                    move.w    #319*4 + 3, d0

                    ; Calculate Y difference

.calcy              clr.b     d2
                    sub.w     d2, d1
                    asr.w     #8, d1
                    ; Calculate new Y position

                    add.w     .mousepos+2(pc), d1
                    bpl       .yok
                    moveq     #0, d1
.yok                cmp.w     #255*4 + 3, d1
                    bls       .posok
                    move.w    #255*4 + 3, d1

.posok              ; Store the new values and return pixel coordinates in D0-D1

                    movem.w   d0-d1, .mousepos
                    lsr.w     #2, d0
                    lsr.w     #2, d1


.mousepos           dc.w      500, 500
Mousecounters       dc.w      0

; Take pixel coordinates in D0-D1 and place sprite

SetSpritepos        ; X 128 Y 44 will be the upper left corner in sprite
                    ; coordinates. They correspond to the coordinates used for
                    ; the display window minus 1 pixel in X

                    add.w     #$80, d0
                    add.w     #$2c, d1

                    ; Get bit 0 of the X position and place in D2

                    moveq     #0, d2
                    lsr.w     #1, d0
                    addx.b    d2, d2
                    ; Check bit 8 of the Y start position and set in D2
                    btst      #8, d1
                    beq       .novstart
                    addq.b    #4, d2

.novstart           move.b    d1, Sprite

                    ; Add sprite height to get Y stop position and set in D2

                    addq.w    #8, d1
                    btst      #8, d1
                    beq       .novstop
                    addq.b    #2, d2

.novstop            ; Write POS and CTL into sprite data

                    move.b    d0, Sprite+1
                    move.b    d1, Sprite+2
                    move.b    d2, Sprite+3

Setup               move.w    #bpl_1bpl | bpl_color, bplcon0(a6)

                    ; Set video priorities to 7 so sprites appear in front of
                    ; bitplanes

                    move.w    #7<<3 | 7, bplcon2(a6)

                    ; 320*256 large display starting at X $81 Y $2C

                    move.w    #0, bplcon1(a6)
                    move.w    #0, bpl1mod(a6)
                    move.w    #$38, ddfstrt(a6)
                    move.w    #$d0, ddfstop(a6)
                    move.w    #$2c81, diwstrt(a6)
                    move.w    #$2cc1, diwstop(a6)

                    move.w    #$89a, color00(a6)
                    move.w    #$eef, color01(a6)
                    move.w    #$000, color17(a6)
                    move.w    #$e48, color18(a6)
                    move.w    #$fcd, color19(a6)
                    ; Write the bitplane pointer into the copper program

                    move.l    #Bitplane, d0
                    move.w    d0, Bitplaneptr+4
                    swap      d0
                    move.w    d0, Bitplaneptr
                    ; and the sprite pointers

                    lea       .sprites(pc), a0
                    lea       Spriteptrs, a1
                    moveq     #8-1, d0
.setsprites         move.w    (a0)+, (a1)
                    move.w    (a0)+, 4(a1)
                    addq.w    #8, a1
                    dbf       d0, .setsprites
                    ; Set copper program pointer and load immediately

                    move.l    #Copperprog, cop1lc(a6)
                    move.w    d0, copjmp1(a6)

                    ; Start all DMA

                    move.w    #dma_set | dma_en | dma_bpl | dma_spr | dma_cop, dmacon(a6)

.sprites            dc.l      Sprite
                    rept      7
                     dc.l     BlankSprite

                    section   data_c

                    ; Bitplane data for a 320*256 frame

Bitplane            blk.b     40, %11111111
                    rept      254
                     dc.b         %10000000
                     blk.b    38, %00000000
                     dc.b         %00000001
                    blk.b     40, %11111111

                    ; 8*8 pixel sprite. The first two words are the POS and CTL
                    ; control words which the sprite DMA will read and
                    ; set automatically every frame, so are the last two words
                    ; which we set to 0 to mark that the sprite is not to be
                    ; redisplayed again further down the screen.

Sprite              dc.w      0, 0
                    dc.w      %1111111000000000, %0000000000000000
                    dc.w      %1100000100000000, %0111111000000000
                    dc.w      %1000000100000000, %0111111000000000
                    dc.w      %1000001000000000, %0111110000000000
                    dc.w      %1000010000000000, %0111100000000000
                    dc.w      %1000100000000000, %0111000000000000
                    dc.w      %1001000000000000, %0110000000000000
                    dc.w      %0110000000000000, %0000000000000000
BlankSprite         dc.w      0, 0

                    ; We don't need to use the copper to display some sprites
                    ; but it's convenient to delegate f.ex reseting bitplane
                    ; and sprite pointers to it

Bitplaneptr = *+2   cmove     0, bpl1pth, 0, bpl1ptl

Spriteptrs = *+2    cmove     0, spr0pth, 0, spr0ptl
                    cmove     0, spr1pth, 0, spr1ptl
                    cmove     0, spr2pth, 0, spr2ptl
                    cmove     0, spr3pth, 0, spr3ptl
                    cmove     0, spr4pth, 0, spr4ptl
                    cmove     0, spr5pth, 0, spr5ptl
                    cmove     0, spr6pth, 0, spr6ptl
                    cmove     0, spr7pth, 0, spr7ptl


Last edited by Leffmann; 03 September 2010 at 22:13.
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