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Old 13 February 2013, 21:04   #5
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Originally Posted by desiv View Post
Thread necro, but just working on this...

Yes, it works...

I just did this.
We got an inexpensive networked laser printer for my wife, but it doesn't support postscript.. Just modern drivers for Windows, Mac and Linux.

So, I have an A1200 I wanted to use with that...

2 steps...
One, IF your Amiga natively supports the printer (i.e. the printer is Postscript and or there's a driver in the Amiga already for it), then you only need NetPar from Aminet.
(I tried netprinter, but didn't have much luck...)

Netpar replaces your parallel.device file with it's own that redirects output to your networked printer.

So, that's good. But say your printer isn't Amiga friendly?
Well, Linux is your friend. ;-)

By default (on my Ubuntu), CUPS and ghostscript are installed.
Ghostscript will convert postscript to something you can print.

So, I was able to set up the printer on my Linux machine (this printer has a Linux driver). Then I went into CUPS and configured sharing.
From my Windows machine (for testing), I set up a Postscript printer (Adobe has a DL for a generic driver) and pointed it at my Linux desktop using IPP.. Voilla!

Now, the problem is that NetPar only supports LPD type of printing, not IPP/CUPS... No problem there.
Ubuntu (and many others) have CUPS-LPD. But LPD is disabled.
I just went into my inetd.conf file and added a line:
printer stream tcp nowait lp /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-lpd cups-lpd -o job-sheets=none,none

Then I rebooted to make sure it was taking effect.
(Ubuntu has messed up the inetd stuff a bit, so best to reboot)

Set the Amiga to print to a Postscript printer on the parallel port and graphics are printing, basic text (sysinfo), and Final Writer failed..


Turns out Linux doesn't like the PostScript file generated by Final Writer.
I can't even view it in a Postscript viewer, so it's not just the printing part.

I find and load Wordworth 7, and it's printing!!!
(I did tweak the top margins a bit to get it not to cut off the first 2 lines.)

So now, any printer I can print to from a Linux box, I can print to from my Amiga 1200...

(p.s. Great, almost out of toner.. Too much testing..Oh well.. Hopefully my wife won't need to print too much before the order I just placed arrives..) :-)
Very useful post, thanks

Would you have any clue about a non-postscript printer connected to a MacOsX computer and shared over the network with Apple Bonjour?
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