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Old 19 March 2016, 13:14   #42
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Drive activity and slave presence are both on the same pin (pin 39) - on an Amiga you'll see that effect with any ATA slave, e.g. CD-ROM drives etc., where the LED will stay on until the device is accessed. Unfortunately some CF cards don't implement slave support because they expect to be the only device on the bus, causing all sorts of weird behaviour when they have to share. CF adaptors are generally passive; it's up to the card itself to do the communication.

3.1 ROMs include an increased delay, but that's no good if the adaptor replies but still isn't ready, or replies as if nothing is connected. It might be possible to patch it, but you'll need to load the patch from somewhere and if your hard drive isn't ready that's not going to work. Something I've done in the past that has worked is to disconnect the reset signal (pin 1), meaning that when the Amiga resets, the adaptor doesn't know about it and is ready from the previous powering up. That's easily done by carefully removing pin 1 of the ribbon cable from the crimp connector - don't go breaking pins off or anything! Be sure to do it in such a way as you can put it back in if it doesn't solve the problem. You might find in that case that it doesn't boot the first time, but a warm reboot (Ctrl-A-A) lets it have the time it needs.
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