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Old 14 October 2020, 19:57   #275
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Originally Posted by Weaselrama View Post
That was our fault? Nope.
Yes, totally our fault too. We must self reflect, there's no accountability around here.

As long as this community is obsessed over trying to establish superiority over other platforms, it will attract crazies of the same type. As I said I can understand where it came from and why it happened back in the day, but to keep behaving that way after all this time, is quite toxic. Passion is confused with zealotry often.

It's perfectly fine to like the Amiga for no reason, there's no need to give any justifications to anyone. It doesn't matter if it is technically superior, inferior or anything. It doesn't matter if it ran Word or Jet Set Willy. It was a machine we had at home and grew to love for its many abilities, learned to work over its shortcomings, and for many reasons we still hold a dedication to. None of these have to do with objectivity especially today.

He was banned, not because he broke the rules but because he was rude and insulting.
Insulting people is very much breaking the forum rules. Surprised it took this long.

Redacting history is dangerous
It is, but a place where big time Amiga fans hang out is not the best place for objective history.

As I see it you engaged this unsavory person in almost the same level they brought over here, but on the opposing side. As an uninvolved third party, I could totally doubt both of the accounts given the tone.

In one post, I plugged your outstanding work on the PT-1210MK1 as example of how the Amiga lives on and why Mods still have a place in the world of digital music.
I couldn't find that, but that wouldn't matter to someone that does not want to like the Amiga. It actually doesn't matter to almost anyone, unless they have some attraction for the platform, whatever that may be.

Having a place in the world of digital music is quite a stretch, when there's like ten people really using PT-1210, there's very little new music made in such a limiting format, and it does not bring to the table any advantage over modern ways of making music or playing it at a club. A lot of people who come back to it do it because it is gimmicky, they're trying to be "different",. Others, never stopped making music that way. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Other people may have other reasons.

We just did it because, fuck it, we like the Amiga, and we could do it. It had nothing to do with any kind of superiority complex.
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