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Old 09 October 2013, 22:00   #18
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wXr, you are right. The completeness is almost there, however I do agree that a centralized, curated effort would be a great thing to have, as Modland doesn't have absolutely everything, some times AMP has some things Modland doesn't, and this stuff needs to be preserved. The HVSC team goes the extra mile in trying to find new shit to add to the collection, to fill blanks of information and whatnot. Also they are helped by SID being a unique format. In the case of the Amiga, there's no such a luxury, as it had a plethora of formats, making the whole ordeal a tad more complicated, even for the user who wants to listen.

But as "user", the difference is HVSC is ~300MB and Modland's PT folder is 10GB, and downloading it all might be a pain in the ass. Most people will just try to look for their favourites anyway, and in that case, I recommend just looking fr specifics instead of trawling through gigabytes of data and hours of your life trying to maybe discover something new and cool. There really isn't many.

The original poster just asked to "Download it all in bulk" and I always thought this is a horrible idea, for TOSEC too. I know from experience, as I have downloaded "full packs" and they have become an absolute waste of space and of my time.
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