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Old 19 January 2015, 09:38   #7
Amiga will never die!
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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Age: 43
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I guess you could include the example games made to show off Backbone...

Backbone Tutorial -
Micro Fighters -
Reality Example -
Monkey -

Do you have download links to Charly the Merc, Death Is On The Way, Fallout 3, MagicBall, and Szalter On Holiday? I have them on my hard drive but don't know where the original archives are, and can't find any on Aminet even though I thought I grabbed a few of them from there originally.

Just a few corrections if you want to make them. Halloween Nightmare should be credited to Underground Arcade since it was a small (short) team effort and Cammy doesn't want to take all the credit. Tuesday, however, I made alone many years before we formed Underground Arcade, but I just slapped the logo on my old game and recompiled it when the Backbone key became free. Here are some download links to my games if you'd like to add them to the list:

Tuesday (Best played from RAM Disk) -
Sonic the Hedgehog (Greenhill Zone) -
Super Mario Bros (Updated today) -

Thanks for making this thread, we needed all of these games grouped together so fellow Backboners can learn from each others' projects... we all figure out a trick or two when we make them that no one else thought of before!
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