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Old 28 October 2014, 23:38   #21
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The vbcc m881, m040 and m060 fp math libs should have asinh, acosh and cbrt functions. It's mentioned on the page at the link although many functions, especially new ones, need more testing. Did you have trouble using these functions?
Its been over 6 month since I started programming amath. At that time I had some troubles with -lm (in gcc) and also getting correct output from printf("%g"). I tried to link some of the vbcc libraries but I had problems solving the symbolic links from object files. I think it was due to another naming scheme.

Which version of GCC are your using? If the IEEE libraries are not opened then I wonder how (or if) the FPU is initialized?
This one:

A crossbuild of vbcc is actually include in the toolchain. And probably you are right about auto opening the math libs. I would prefer not to maintain a static math library and I am very willing to find another solution. Reference in code looks like this (rfunc.h):

#include <math.h>

extern int finite(double x);

extern double floor(double x);
extern double ceil(double x);
extern double exp(double x);
extern double sqrt(double x);
extern double cbrt(double x);
extern double log(double x);
extern double log10(double x);

extern double cos(double x);
extern double sin(double x);
extern double tan(double x);
extern double acos(double x);
extern double asin(double x);
extern double atan(double x);
extern double cosh(double x);
extern double sinh(double x);
extern double tanh(double x);
extern double acosh(double x);
extern double asinh(double x);
extern double atanh(double x);

extern double pow(double x, double y);
extern double fmod(double x, double y);
extern double atan2(double y, double x);
extern double hypot(double x, double y);
extern double log1p(double x);
extern double expm1(double x);
extern double scalbn (double x, int n);

Last edited by cla; 28 October 2014 at 23:56.
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