Thread: Amigasoft NZ
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Old 13 September 2014, 18:44   #39
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 20
Ha. Great thread! I lurk on these boards from time to time, but I just had to reply to this!

Man, we had it rough in NZ when it came to games. In Christchurch there were very few places to buy decent releases. The main place, called "Commodore and Computers" or something, started out with mostly Amiga stuff, and then became PC PC PC. Last game I got here was The "Hero" Turtles Arcade game... That was a mistake.
But we did buy a lot of there, and from Dick Smith... And there was even a place to rent games from. Oliff's Computer Centre.

So, we used to warez it up. We stumbled across this dude named Brian(I think) who lived in the Shirley area. Had a huge set-up out in his shed/man cave with a few Amigas littered about. Drawers and drawers of blank disks, and sweet sweet prices. I think it was like $4 per disk if he supplied the disk, or $2 if you supplied your own. We'd almost always head to DEKA to stock up on blanks before visiting (by appointment of course).

When my A500 died, I decided I needed another one, and that came with LOADS of original games and even more pirated ones... Like seriously 3 or 4 black rubbish bags full.

Speaking of AmigaSoft... I signed up to them too... Or at least something similar. I never did get a working version of Scooby & Scrappy Doo. Haha.
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