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Old 02 June 2014, 21:01   #9
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Thanks a lot for your reply !

Here's a grab I made (camera picture actually, modified to be readable, as I start fs-uae with no desktop environment in order to prevent the automatic mode switching -- although there's is probably a better solution

(also, I removed Pulseaudio and am using an USB audio device as I cannot use the HDMI sound output ; + there's a no tearing option added to my xorg.conf for the intel gpu)

After removing the "tearfree" option which doesn't seem needed anymore, the digits at the bottom left change from "49.8 / 21 / 22" to "49.8 / 11 / 11" the one at the bottom right is highter though (36 instead of 28)

Edit : when trying low latency mode again, framerate drops around 45 and the digit at the bottom right is around 120
Edit 2 : I removed 2 lines from my limits.conf which gave too much priority to the audio & also re-enabled pulse. It seems the improve the situation a little but still not enough. I suspect the culprit is the USB audio interface and/or my i3 cpu. I still do not reach 50 fps (49.8), scrolling is ALMOST perfect but sounds stutters once in a while and there is too much delay to my taste.

Last edited by TCD; 02 July 2014 at 23:57. Reason: Back-to-back posts merged
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