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Old 12 February 2014, 18:40   #143
Posts: n/a
I've just had quite a bit of trouble getting the WHDLoad install file to work on my setup (WB3.0 A1200) so I'm just going to document what I had to do here. The game does now work but I couldn't be positive it's 100%

I downloaded the ADF files from System 3's website and the WHDLoad installer. When running through the installer, the first problem was the version of my installer program (I did later upgrade it to version 44.10 on the KGWHDLoad page but that didn't change anything that I noticed).

The next was the installer complaining I didn't have WHDLoad installed and/or available on path, but I did and I also added the path to user-startup and checked in the shell with "which WHDload", so I had to delete the lines checking for it in the installer!! (lines around 353 I think)

Then after doing some file copying, it said it couldn't get rawDIC up (around lines 141 I think). I added TrackWarp to the libs folder in Sys: just in case that was the problem, but that didn't help.

So instead I opened a shell and did "rawdic SLAVE=PuttySquad.islave" and selected the two ADFs and they were converted. I then found the data files etc. in the directory I was in and copied them to "PuttySquad/data".

I tried running "PuttySquad/PuttySquad" and the game come up and worked!

I wonder are the problems down to my current Workbench state or what? It's my original one from 1993-1996 and have only just copied it over to a CF HD. Hopefully I won't have to run another WHDLoad installer for a while!

On a side note. It was the announcement of the Putty Squad game on the Amiga that got me to set it up again and get a CF card working in the PCMCIA slot and then go onto WHDLoad and getting a CF HDD. I was pleasantly surprised that the KS3.0 / WB3.0 install didn't freak out altogether at having a 4GB hardidsk! ;-)
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