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Old 30 December 2013, 23:39   #1636
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Originally Posted by Crashdisk View Post
It would be easy but ...:
I suppose that "waste" is in reality the start command of a virus that modified the startup-sequence file.
The solution is not to fix the size of the file but remove the virus command to restore the original size.
Yes, see Jeff virus description (from

"While altering the startup-sequence the virus uses a very aggressive solution: The space which is needed to add the filename of the virus will be cut from the original startup-sequence at the end. Take a look at the following unaltered startup-sequence of an Amiga disk:

C:SetPatch QUIET
C:Version >NIL:

After alteration by the virus (assuming Aloisius as filename) the (above) startup-sequence looks like this:

C:SetPatch QUIET

As you can see the resulting startup-sequence is corrupted because the AmigaDOS will search for a command C:Vers instead of C:Version. This means that the last command won't be processed anymore but "ignored" (infact it will raise a command not found exception to be precise)."
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