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Old 14 November 2013, 01:19   #1
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: up north
Posts: 70
Broken MASPlayer - Terrible hissing.

Just dug my A600 with Masplayer evolution, the one Amigakit make. The following symptoms occur:

* Starting MASPlayer software, it makes a LOUD hiss for a few seconds.
* Play a track, same Loud hiss. You can't hear music at all.
* If the track starts quiet, (say, the drummer counting them off) you can hear it, but really crackly/hissing. As if it is a radio not tuned in properly. As soon as the music properly starts, it goes back to the loud hiss.
* moving prefactor slider all the way to the right you can hear it, sort of, but still lots of crackles and hissing. Same "radio not tuned in" effect.
* no other settings have an effect.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

I opened it up, there is no sign of damage I think, no burned parts. A lot of hot glue though!
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