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Old 21 August 2013, 12:01   #20
Going nowhere
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I'm happy and sad all at the same time.

I thought to myself a few years ago that the only way Beast could travel to next gen formats was a God of War inspired game type, and I was right.

I'm happy that Beast and the Amiga hasn't been forgotten by Sony, but I'm not happy its only going to be a PSN game. To put it in perspective, the Amiga original was a PREMIER AAA title back in the day, £35.99 which was a phenomenal price back then and, in inflation terms would exceed the price of ANY and all modern console AAA titles.

No matter your opinion of the game, it was a profitable franchise for Psygnosis, and I think its pretty shitty to be treating it as a PSN only game.

Also I think it didn't start off as Shadow of the Beast, I'm pretty sure it was something else and it got changed over time.

Well for one thing, at least it answers who owns the property now, Reflections must have sold the copyright to Psychosis which then carried over to Sony.
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