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Old 05 August 2013, 00:02   #36
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If I remember correctly not all of the gold exposed contact around the board is connected to ground,so if it was not required phase 5 could have left it out,but its there and its here on my card and it works flawless. I can leave it running for days with no hint of any lock-ups.

Some users have modified trapdoor or no trapdoor at all. Operating the card with no trapdoor is not recommended as it exposes the card.

If you want to leave the ground contact out which may have been there, then thats your business and you can not compare a Blizzard card to a PC there two different product.

If heatsink did not need to be grounded then their could have mounted differently,but the "fact" is its there and I would not be surprised if most Blizzard users are aware it is there and you post as if you know whats best of this card. Blizzard card is different (dual processes) so what works for one user may not work for others.

This is why I sometimes post ALL MODIFICATION AT YOUR OWN RISK what users take out or put in is down to what their want.


Last edited by delshay; 05 August 2013 at 00:47.
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