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Old 28 July 2013, 00:26   #12
Posts: n/a
Thanks for the replies!

I decided to purchase the Amiga Developer CD but I haven't received it yet. Anyway, considering your replies, there seems to be no "definite, sure-fire way" to successfully do the programming but lots of different opinions. I'll have to see which one of the approaches suits me best (but suffice it to say that this project is going to take a helluva lot of time regardless of the approach).

You will absolutely need a real Amiga 500 then.
I'll buy an A500 from a friend of mine. It's an older model though (presumably OCS) because the early versions of Double Dragon II can be played on it unlike the A500 that I used in the early 90's (ECS I guess).

As far as the simplicity of the game is concerned, expect something similar to some of the games in the 50 Great Games collection by Wicked Software (or the infamous Action 52 on the NES) except with better graphics. That's demanding enough for me. It won't be another paper-and-pencil or card game though.
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