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Old 23 January 2003, 14:28   #16
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Originally posted by Chris
I've done a bit of research into converting adfs, but with my basic setup i.e. WB1.3 1MB RAM and NO hard drive, it appears to be very difficult.

I'll survive, still got plenty of other games to keep me busy. :)
Hmm, it's been a long while since I set up my Workbench to access PC formatted disks etc, but it can be done on your configuration Chris. Bit of a long tedious process though. Everyone feel free to correct me on points, because I've forgotten so much :D

1. You'll need to find "PC0" or similar on WB's storage disk - something tells me it might be in binddrivers

2. Format an 880K disk as PC0: (I've forgotten how you choose between a standard Amiga formatted disk and a PC formatted one - might need to use the command line? (format pc0:))

3. Put this in your PC and zip up the ADF before copying it across. The ADF won't fit uncompressed because a PC formatted low density disk is 720K as opposed to some 836K in Amiga's filesystem

4. Find an unzipping utility from Aminet and install on Workbench

5. Pop the disk back in the Amiga and unzip (hopefully you have space to unzip to ram)

6. Find a program called "transdisk" - I believe I spotted it in - if not, use google

7. copy that to your Workbench c: folder

8. Stick a new blank disk in df0:

9. I'm not positive on the syntax here, because I set it up in Classaction and forgot (love that prog, I drop the adf on it and it instantly writes the image to DF0)

It's something along the lines of transdisk -w image.adf df0:

Reboot and play!
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