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Old 15 May 2013, 00:42   #5
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Question about HD 1.44mb floppies on Amiga

If the disks go in a standard A500 drive, then you don't need to do anything with the "hole." If you use a HD FDD, then do or don't cover the hole depending on how you want them formatted.

That IBM formatted & bulk eraser thing is not quite right and are two different subjects covered very well on several threads. CrossDos on the Amiga will format to MSDOS 1.44 or 720k (as CrossMac will try the 800/1.6); a PC FDD will format lots of different weird stuff but not Amiga nor Mac. The format does NOT determine the use as DD or HD. It is the physical magnetic media and the drive used (yes the dern controller matters too) that differs between a DD and HD floppy and the particle density and magnetic field used -- stuff I would know more about had I majored in physics and not chemistry. All of which is found in the forums.
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