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Old 03 May 2013, 14:15   #4
Global Moderator
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In the past we have had disgruntled users who have sabotaged threads because of disagreements, or just plain lunacy and the "I'll show you" attitude.

Although we can return posts back to there original states, before the sabotage, I doubt we can do the same with attachments. Once they are deleted, I believe they are gone for good.

Here's an example, let's just say, you created a very interesting thread, had many useful attachments within it, and was 10 pages. A new user appears called "Barry the Bastard", who's had disagreements with you on other forums and has traced you here. You have no idea who he is, but he starts provoking you in that thread, and you both start arguing the toss in it. Eventually 3 pages later and many buckets of popcorn, and warning after warning, one of the GM's decides enough is enough and closes it.

You're so angry because of the outcome, extremely frustrated because the thread is now closed, and you're not thinking right, you pop off into your UserCP down to attachments and start deleting every single attachment that you posted within that thread. Now the thread has become useless as it required the attachments to make it understandable to follow. You have now destroyed a perfectly good and interesting thread despite it being closed.

Barry the Bastard gets banned (As he should with a name like that ), and you're banging your head against a wall for the vBulletin system not preventing you from doing something outlandish.

Maybe that will explain why you can't delete attachments within closed threads, and why you should remove them first before asking someone to close it

EDIT: I use (free) for images in my posts, I only use this because I don't care if the images are eventually deleted due to lack of views etc, anything I do want to keep, I use the forums attachments.

Imgur limitations:-

Total Account Images	225 Limit
Standard accounts are limited to the 225 most recent images. After that, the
newest uploads will be shown and the oldest uploads will be bumped out of
the account (not deleted, just hidden from within the account).

Image Compression	1 MB maximum
With standard accounts, images over 1 MB will be compressed until they are less
than 1 MB.

Image Removal     	6 months with no views
Normal images that are not viewed for 6 months may be removed.

Thumbnails	        Small and Large only

Last edited by DH; 03 May 2013 at 14:41.
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