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Old 02 May 2013, 15:34   #1
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Unable to manage attachments

This is for Mods, GMs etc.

I have been dealing with DH to help me with a temporary solution by deleting attachments for me.

Basically, long story short, I am unable to delete attachments as I simply do not have the checkbox column in my UserCP. We exchanged screenshots and we both confirmed this.
The problem was also that all the attachment space was taken up by images tied to a closed thread, so there was no way for me to even edit that old thread to delete the image attachments.

Here's the link to the image to show you what I mean about not having the checkboxes on the right-hand side:

According to DH, this is for security so people can't delete attachments in closed threads, but my question remains: Why am I the only one NOT able to delete my attachments, ie no checkboxes?
Any future for sale thread or other project thread that gets closed is going to bring up this problem again...
I think a wiki/help page should explain how this works ina bit more detail..
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