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Old 20 April 2013, 19:26   #2090
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Originally Posted by Yarc View Post
Oh dear! After the update my Mk2 does not work as well as it did. This is a little worrying. With the version prior to V10 I had it setup great and could switch graphics modes on my A1200 and the Mk2 would adjust accordingly. Now, whenever I change graphics mode all I get is a black screen and have to cycle the power. I have tried going back a version, but the Mk2 just wont work the same as it did. To be sure, I deleted all the installed files and did a fresh install, and each time selected to reflash all cores. Any ideas?

Well, I've managed to get back to a working system but only after installing the very first core (AGA_MK2_78MHz.rbf) and then re-installing the first beta release (folder AGAMK2_cfg_install) prior to the current V10 version. Not sure what is going on here, but my monitor does not like the latest software/cores. It looks like the new version is putting something into the cores that does not work for me, and whatever it is cannot be removed by the software unless I go back to the originally supplied core and flash that. This then presumably removes the problem.

What is strange is that installing the version prior to the current V10 and reflashing all cores does not properly revert back!? This is how it seems to me as a user.

I'm not sure why the new cores don't work for me, but at least I now have a working system albeit minus the recent bug fixes and test button.

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