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Old 17 February 2013, 10:54   #6
FS-UAE Developer
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It's quite possible WinUAE has what you need (ref. the last post from Toni Wilen). I'll probably implement an IPC mechanism in FS-UAE sooner or later, and specifically one that can be controlled with Lua (for flexibility).

I imagine a feature where you open an IPC channel to FS-UAE, and the first thing you do is to push a Lua script through the IPC channel, and then this script will be started inside FS-UAE to handle further communication. This would make it very flexible, as only the IPC "bootloader" - and a few Lua functions to handle general communication, needs to be implemented in FS-UAE. You would also be able to close the current IPC channel, start a new one with a new/altered script without restarting FS-UAE / the Amiga.

Give me a notice if the script approach would work better for you, and you're interested in pursuing that idea further.
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